Friday, March 26, 2010

The Financial Cost of Adoption

Anyone who has gone through the adoption process will say that's it's always nice to know what's coming. For couples starting the process, we thought you might want to know what expenses are like along the way. Here's where we are so far:
1. $100 preliminary application fee
2. $550 formal application fee
3. $50 criminal background checks
4. $170 expenses for day-long training (travel, hotel, food) in Asheville
5. $15 lead test kits
6. $100 doctor appointments
7. $200 counseling appointments
8. $100 travel and food for trips to Raleigh for Bethany meetings
9. $40 carbon monoxide detector
10. $20 fee for yard sale ad
11. $40 gas for travel to and from conference and misc. yard sale travel
$1385 as of 10/10/10
12. $70 family profile books and mailings to Bethany offices
13. $3100 home study

There are so many great resources out there to help with the cost, and creativity goes a long way. Friends of ours gave out baby bottles and asked friends to fill them with change. Another family asked for yard sale donations and put all the proceeds toward the cost.

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