Saturday, October 8, 2011


Last night, our birthmother made the decision not to go through with the adoption. We were prepared for this news and have been grieving all week. There is some relief in knowing; being in limbo was taking its toll on us.

Continue to pray for God's will to be done. The baby is due on Wednesday, and she can still change her mind. We are not expecting her to do so, but she is very young and lacks family support, so she may have a change of heart once reality hits.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Exhausted but Peaceful

Sadly, our birth family is seriously considering reversing the adoption plan for their son. The mother is in anguish over the decision and longs for peace and confidence that she is doing the right thing. We have grieved with her over the emotional turmoil and grieved as a couple over the prospect of the nursery remaining empty.

Through the last week, however, I have experienced something that for me has been rare: a joy and peacefulness that I did not expect. Being THIS out of control brings a freedom of mind and heart that has made room for a lot of grace for this beautiful girl. The best part of it all is that I didn't do anything to GET the peace--no deep breathing, meditation, counseling, or self talk. It came in its entirety from the Lord.

The baby is due in nine days. Please continue to pray for God's will to be done.